We all need champions in our lives. Someone or something that puts us and our needs first. Something that won?t manipulate, harm, or take.
For me, it is my art and writing that are these champions in my life.
I have conversations with my art and writing all the time for the simple fact they often know more than I am willing to consciously admit.
And, because they refuse to let the voices of others cower them, talk over them, cajole them or manipulate them in any way.
Like no other part of my life, my writing and art stand firm in their beliefs- uncompromised.
Late one night, I did this image. There was no forethought. It?s not my best. I usually prefer symbolism over people. I began with the sky,then the water and the mountains. Suddenly, I knew I needed to sketch in a woman grasping those mountains. She is bigger than life, and she is holding on for dear life.
Hang on?
Nice image?but I did not give it much thought. My life has been in turmoil with some family issues and I was tired by this point. One thing after another has been thrown my way and I lived in the chaos created by others- tossed here and there.
The next morning while reading in a coffee shop, I realize what my art was trying to tell me.
In a book that has little to do with Biblical scripture, I came across the following:
??we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming?? Ephesians 4:14.
And I knew. I completely knew. Others seeing the image and reading the passage may have not put these two together, but I did.
My art was telling me to clearly hang on. I did not need to be ?tossed here and there by waves??, especially the waves of others, and by the ?trickery? and ?deceitful scheming? which had become all too common in my life.
The woman grasping the mountains (so symbolic!) is not going to be swept away by the current of chaos in her life. She is big, bigger than life, and she does not need to be in that water any more. IN fact, she is holding herself from the water.
I loved it and in my mind, this was my art shouting at me.
You don?t always need others to tell you about your life. Sometimes they are not exactly the most truthful of opinions.
So, on this day, as others try to tell me ?how it is?, I will remember this image and simply say and gesture:
?Huh?? Sorry, I can?t hear you. My art is speaking loudly to me. It?s all I can hear.?
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