Health and Fitness | Dental Care | * Written by Peter Roseberg | Sunday, 12 August 2012 15:28 | Word Count: 595
Injuries to the face, teeth, lips and peridontium (tissues that both support and surround the teeth) are referred to as dental trauma. It can be anything from a tooth fracture to swellings that cause mouth infections. These fractures can involve chipping of the enamel and dentin of a tooth or death of the pulp tissue that leads to infections and abscess. For a deeper understanding of what is involved in teeth injuries, you can log on to
Dental trauma is considered a very serious problem, so much so that it has been classified into two categories: direct and indirect. Direct dental injuries are caused by hard blows to the head or mouth with a hard or blunt object like a baseball hat or one's forearm. Indirect dental injuries on the other hand, happen when an open mouth is abruptly closed, causing the lower jaw to be crushed against the upper jaw. They usually involve teeth that have had large cavities or those that have undergone root canal previously.?
You'll know you need to see an emergency dentist from Albert Square Dental immediately when you experience any bleeding from the nose or ears, concussion or dizziness. Even a seemingly simple tooth fracture is able to cause lapse of memory, disorientation, severe headaches or earaches, especially if you've suffered injuries to the head, face or neck. People who are at risk of incurring these types of injuries include young children, athletes, soldiers undergoing military training and even those who are fond of body piercings especially in the tongue and lips.?
The good news is that dental injuries can be prevented just by following a few simple rules: when involved in contact sports, make sure you use a mouth guard while doing them. Mouth guards have been proven to reduce the risk of trauma not only to the teeth, gums and the surrounding jaw bone area, but also to the temporo mandibular joints (TMJ). It has also been proven to reduce the incidents of concussions as well as pressure and bone deformation of the skull in case you do get into an accident. Sometimes wearing them can be a tad uncomfortable but what's a little discomfort compared to a lifetime of health problems you can avoid?
Despite the many warnings, however, most people feel that a little pain or a chipped tooth is nothing to be concerned about, especially those who either have a fear about going to the dentist or those who are living on a budget. Any kind of structural damage to the tooth, regardless of how little or how significant the pain you are feeling always merits a call to an emergency dentist Melbourne like those you can look up at as these injuries no matter how small or insignificant, can cause huge problems that can be life-threatening.
A good emergency dentist Melbourne can be hard to find, but not when you check out Not only will you be able to get the help you need, you'll also be able to get it anytime you need it, no questions asked.
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